Sunday, August 24, 2008
hey hey sqdmates! we're at yiling's hse now. and peiwen is beside me. i shall not reveal my identity. haha. pear said that if i use hehheh, i'll give myself away. ah this is an attempt to revive the sqd blog. ok pear's turn now.
LOL yes i should ATTEMPT t revive sqd blog by revealing yueting's identity. oooooops i didnt realise i alr gave her away. err no la it's nt yueting. it's just her identity. err wht i talking?? ZZZ
dontknow lah. sqd blog, are u revived??
pear is so lame i think she cannot walk anymore. zzz. ah we're damn bored. bored bored bored. as bored as the sqd blog is dead.
ZZZ yueting donthv legs alr.
mummy can u see this? yueting kidnapped me. rawr pls tell my family t come and save me now. i am at lalaland 23 block abc storey 908. thankyou very much. err i'll buy you a lolly smday. :D
arigato! :D
aye shant crap anymore le la!
bye yueting.bye pear.
:D :D
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
hi sqdmates. :D
aiyah fine i am just feeling a bit i-dont-knw-wht.
heh :D
maybe post le will return t normal. xD
lol i am chatting with chiouyih the crawling pig right now! whooosh.
she's a sqdmate! :D
lol i cant wait t receive my sqd jacket!!
altho i think s is too small boohooooo. but nvm we will see. (:
fine, i mean i'll see. ZZZ
zomg. friday friday friday. rod rod rod. this coming this coming this coming. friday friday friday. dance dance dance!
awww. rawr lol i can wait t GET MY HANDS IN THE AIR.I TYPED CAN. NOT CANT!!!zomg. and i miss p.t w you guys! p.t people p.t!physical trng if you forgot. INTENSIVE TRNG I WANT I.T!with sqdmates! tht's e main point man.aww come on extremists :D :D :Dlol i v long nvr wear full u liao.zomg. i think i grew so much tht i cant fit in it anymoreee.not in height but in size. lol!ooops. i think i crapped a lil too much.i know this isnt my blog. :Dheh paiseh.
lol i didnt mean t be so lame/dumb/idiotic.HAHA
dont need guess also knw i am pear ba. right?
heh byeee.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
FINALIZED DESIGNS (brought to you by jhosy and minee ngs)

There. Its settled.
If you're gonna complain to me abt the designs or the size of your jacket, I will suggest you think twice. A handful of people did not tell me the size or did not pass me the money even though I called everyone and went around to ASK that you pass me the money. I was extremely tempted to just simply exclude you from the List of names and sizes. I know it was last minute and I know its Ex (btw the full price will be $33per piece) but everyone is paying the same amount and if you're gonna be so unhappy abt the price or anything abt it you actually can choose not to pay for it. Just dont expect to recieve a jacket like the rest when the jackets arrive la.
Btw Please imagine the background of the first design to be black and the design to be white but the stars are still grey.
Btw I changed the sizes of the jacket for wanglie junyi and kahhoe to be XL. In case it is too small for you guys. Its better to be bigger than smaller they say. This material suits the baggy look. Yup. But if its too big pls forgive me. Thanks.
We will probably recieve the jackets on the 7 or 8th of August. Btw.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
probably by the time anybody sees this post, the blog is revived. (HOPEFULLY)
with the exception of ms pear ng :X
so let's all be more contributing to the blog! xD
don't forget the sqd blog username and password!
alternatively, ask to be a blog author (:
let's practise REVIVAL! ;D
Monday, March 03, 2008
HEY YA'ALL.SO MANY THINGS ARE COMING UP!ITCDRILL PROMOCC COM (girls)everyone's busyeveryone's tiredeveryone feels suicidalok fine I feel suicidalbut lets try to endure itits our last year and stuffso just give it whatever we have k?really hoping that we can work togther as a sqdas a sqd of ncosfor rvnpfor our fellow least contribute.even a little helps.Oh yeah. maths test gg liaoanyone agree with me? sian. this place is rather dead.i suggest we create a new blog.outside my know.and the skin needs that our sqd blog actually works you know?ok...MORNING i first time go morning pt.i was the only one on time.then mingjie came.then yueting came.then boonping came.then clarine and jhosy came.then yiling i suppose the rest are damn fit even after CNYafter so long without hiong least show a bit of enthusiasm for this last year in NP can?please?all these 3-4 yearsi believe it was all not just nthjust think abt it.we knew each other for 3 years + alrdwe worked togetherlaughed togethercry togetherpt togetherdrill togethergo competitions togetherthose of you who went climb kinabalu togetherbbq togethergo red house togethergo chalet togetherso many many things we did at know.say hi to each other or something.cause like a lot of you are dao kias.act cool ah? HAR?we've seen each other in the most lang bei/noobshit dont need act cool liao ok.okay i am crapping my heart outbut hey. i love all my sqdmates.the sqdmates that do all the everything togetherwe are extremists.we are not sexists.okay? oh we have a sqd photo or something?use for our sqd blogskin?and the issue abt sqd jacket?come on ppl!theres not much time left that we can still see each otherfor 3 hours every tues and we are ncoswe HAVE responsibilities whether you like it or not.SO HELP OUT WHEN YOU CAN FOR PETES SAKE.okay. thats all i have for todays crap-a-lot sessioni wonder who will even read this. hurhurposted by the ever-so-full-of-crap minee (:
Thursday, June 28, 2007
i am missing it everyday D:
hey ppl let's go there agn during e dec hols!
noooo! let's go thailand to visit the elephants and kids we missed out!
:D aww~ please.
&i cant wait to see the lovely pictures:D
and smack tht tour guide!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
hey, people!
jiayou for all the mugging :)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
ITC just ended i think..I am so sorry squadmates..hais. I left the camp right after the first day..before the dance..after u all practiced soo hard..sooo sry..argh..dunno wat else to say le..sorry..
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
&we must maintain that standard kays! (:
ones;tens;hundreds;thousand;tenthousands;hundredthousands;millions;billions;trillions&zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellion bits!
MUACKS! :DDDwe must continue to work hard and strive to keep RVNP a gold unit okays?
together, the Extremists shall rock RVNP history! xD
sound ambitious aye?but we can!
WE CAN WE CAN WE CAN! :DDDDDDDDdarling squadmates,
Saturday, February 03, 2007
God damn bloody hell..actually i cant view the actual blog due to some problems with my computer.nonetheless! i wanna tell u all that we r gold unit now! gaaaaaas min mention in the previous post..we must work hard to maintain this the incoming NCO squad.!we know our standards still cant make we must work doubly hard unitl we can make it!as u all know..all the gold units must take part in the annual NPCC parade as the GUARD OF HONOR contingent!omgthats a honour man..means we can go for all the parade trainings togehter as a squad!( not just the actual five now)every week!in FIRST CLASS UNIFORM.the white one..(super shuai )and shoot rifle!real bullets..(not really sure abt this)last but not least, we can pon lessons together becuz we can leave class at 1pm.(joking..thats not the important point)all i wanna say is..the reason we get the gold becuz of the hard work put in by our seniors and some effort of us..we all know that gold unit is hard to we must continue and prevail the hard work by our seniors..we must continue to be the gold unit when we take over..take the parade as a time to train our drill, put in our best and also a time to bond our squad, since we will much more time tgt..once in a lifetime experience squadmates double up!put in your best in np this year ok!anyway..we can hav self initiated act to train up our drill for the parade..this parade is v prestigious we must really work really hard to prove ourselve worthy of the guard of honor contingent..hahahaajiayou!upcoming ITC..we gonna rock!PROMO this year, we can do it!ATC this year, everyone must try to come!try your best k..anyway ah..we gonna hav a meeting this sunday at sharmans house to discuss the ITC dance and also our squad cheer..sqdmates do com and join us!oki gtg nowjiayou incoming dearest lovely squadmateswinn
Friday, February 02, 2007
G O L D U N I T . yes. indeed. this means more hard core training though. BUT WHO CARES. WE WILL EDURE THOUGH IT AND WORK OUR ASSES OFF TO MAINTAIN THIS RESULT. WE MUST IMPROVE!!!! god. i dunno wat to say anymore. i am just sooooo blooodyyyy excited. RVNP SOLID SA AH!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SQDMATES!!I LOVE RVNP!!! *screams my nutty head off*.
insane min;
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
hmm..everyone is busy. so no one here to update anything.hmm...we all know that the badge thing is harsh and painful. But we must also understand why the CIs are doing this. They also know the pain of losing their badges is that not? We must not break down or be demoralised over this. We must not shed a tear. We must stay strong, grit our teeth, bear throught it and most importantly..IRON OUR UNIFORM, POLISH OUR BOOTS AND BADGES TILL THEY GO BLING BLING! lol. yea..we should. We should present ourselves well in our uniform and make our unit proud. We must practice together more often..TOGETHER. not only the few enthu ones practicing together. We can only achieve a solid bang when the whole squad drills together. We must force ourselves to do better, so that by chance we get gold, we will not diu lian in front of others. We shouted so loudly last act! Even someone from the canteen who was eating got a shock. WE CAN DO IT! and another person said we look shuai when we are drilling. SO PEOPLE! WE CAN DO IT! DONT GO ALL DEPRESSED AND EMO OVER A BAD FALL IN THE LONG JOURNEY TO GREATEST HEIGHTS! For it is only the beginning. We must enjoy our times together, truely bond, before we lose the chance to do so. With hard work and hard core determination, encourage each other people and we pull each other up then continue to climb this mountain to glory. WE CAN DO IT! WE WILL PREVAIL!!!!!
-luo suo min;
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
BOO! hahaha...HAJIMEMASHITE! WATASHI MINEE DES! YOROSHIKU NEH! ignore the rubbish..hehe..its my first time posting have new year resolutions..5 of lets see..regardless of pai ming..
>pass all tests!!!>everyone to pass promo; no more private!!!>all absentees to have valid reasons!!!>improve in overall!!!>gold unit!!!yep...thats it..we must strive real hard for it okay people..oh yea..sir raymond say that if this year our napfa girls all gold then guys all silver and above hor..can get ferrero must jiayou!! lets state wat we did in case those who din come today wanna know..hehe..
>cc lesson! [for xiang xi xiang qin please approach nearest sqdmate]*
-the pulley can be replaced with a improvised manharness knot
-peg can be seccured with rocks or another peg on soft ground
-flag staff de w whipping faces the campsite for respect cus the flag will face there too
-round lashing placed 1 palm away so that it wont slip off easily
-downward pull and upward pull
[still have not ah? i doing it on memory leh..then my memory space at most 1gb only..pls forgive me..]*
-warm up
-30 pumping
-40 situps
-practice inclined pull ups fer gurls and pull ups fer guys
-run 2.4
think thats it...yea..okie..late liao..go end..oh yea..
-minee the nutty
Friday, December 08, 2006
one month without np..
kinda miss np.
andof cuz you guys lor..
sian at home
want squad outing not?
asking only
nx year must pull a lot male cadet in worh..
if not np becum girl cca liao..
nvm la
girls also v good one
just like us..
miss u guys yea
look forward to our squad tee!
super chio one
we are TheExtremists!
super shuai , super cool, super hiong.
hope nx year most of us can be in same class bah
Saturday, December 02, 2006
just want to say that.. after going through the planning and maintanance of the chalet, our bond as a squad kind of strengthened. (:
the groceries trip was certainly unforgettable. 21 teens walking around in Giant with two trollies, one filled with bags. discussion of what to buy and what not to. it was truely heartwarming. at least we talk some sense and not buy without making estimations.
then was our transport. even though we made lots of noise all the way, i really felt like we were really close. ((: RVNPS307. :DDD at the chalet too. when we played ball together as recreation. really happy to spead time together in so much fun uh. :P
then my very nice squadmates also taught me how to cycle. even though i was such a hard student to teach, they tried their best to help me cycle. really touched by you guys. ((: won't forget the first time i got on the bike, the first time i moved in the bike, the first time i fell from the bike and the first trip on the bike. :DDDD my squadmates made it possible!! LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!!!
hmm. then was cleaning up the mess. hard to see girls pouring water on the floor and "crab-sliding" as substitute for mop. :P then styrofoam box lid and even the waterproof pillow case. hahas.! even when yueting and i fell, we were laughing. lols. actually we don't know why. maybe cos we were candid? maybe cos we were happy that we fell doing something for everyone. LOL. xD
and watching tv together. marathon. hahas. kind of makes me feel like we are one family. :DDD then being in a room playing cards and chatting... hmm. kind of fun too! and going out as a squad after the chalet ended. even though it's just going to JEC, having a meal and playing at the arcade, i really felt glad that we spent so much time together as a squad, be it in fun times or difficult times. (:
we managed the event together!
we cleared the mess together!
RVNPS307 ! WE DID IT! <3
love you guys to the core core core!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
aiyo liting relac nt to say badd stuffs abt sqdmateshe do wrong things can tell him truthfully lo den make him change mistakent helping him la but i just think hor sqdmates will be tgt for so long try to keep the sqd bond dere.we are alrdy halfway dere! (:actually it's natural for ppl wanting to be "coordi" or "admin" during this point of time de laso oso nt very wrongif our sqdmate is wrong. we can just tell him face to face n nt scold him on e blogdoesn't feel s0 good lavery qi2 guai4 scolding own sqdmatecool down kkays?mayb he will change aft reading ur post.gif him another chance!! (:chiouyih
ok. i'm back. lols
hmm. still rmb in the past i blog alot here. all the emo entries.
got ppl say i too emo, got ppl say i think too much.
nvm uh. -.- i really don't mind. cos i love np. and i want all of us to love np.
thinking bout it, it does seem evil to be so pissed at a few of us...
but... you guys abit too insensitive.... -.- the other time preparation for ROD was like that. now also like that. when will you all learn. to care for your squadmates, to respect them? and it's the same few of you... disappointing... urgh. like that say no use. maybe we can talk to them and at least attempt to change them?
i really don't want to see another major dispute.
should say i'm really pissed at that disrespectful junior.
i have never expected myself to flare up at a junior like i did. but... sorry. =.=
really cannot control. he's been doing this to us eversince he got into np. urgh. i cannot take it anymore. contemplated revenge yea. lols. but i know i won't have to do it. future sec3 ic will. lollol... -.-
hmm. even though we have a few people who really don't seem to want to care, or don't seem to know how their squadmates feel and add fuel to the fire, and feel really saddened, i'm also really really touched. because i know we do have squadmates who are willing to brave through all those tough events&works with us. i'm truely impressed by the guys, namely khinyin, guofeng, wenjie&wanglie. these boys were at least there, if not providing information, were providing support. some were constructive ones. (: guofeng stayed with us the longest. i'm veryvery grateful to this guy who commented on the so called not-nice tee. lols. so we redesigned it yea... ei... got to appologised. we kinda overdid it when everyone hit your poor head. :X oops. sorry.
there were also a number of girls there. we discussed both chalet and sqd tee matters. finally we got back to a red background for the tee. -.- lame uh. but at least we decided it together. squadmates were in this together. the product will be one that i'm proud of. go dudes&dudettes.!
with pro designers, pro planners, pro everythingers, we can do it. xD
even though we were 'chased' away by the guard, i'm proud of it. why? yeayea. i know it sounds crazy. but i'm so darn proud about it cos we stick through those hours there being serious yet having fun. so much so that we got to be such a muisance, we were chase away. lols. but i love you guys alright. (:
we should work towards that blingbling gold unit alright! yoohoo.
Hey,it's me again...todae going to complaint abt someone from our squad.....
Forward:This article might contain some *toot* words....after u see,if u's is not my influence.....but your choice...hahas..for the safety of tt person..i shall not disclose the name...u should noe who after reading.......
Now....starting the complainting.....number person has split personality...he has many diff front of Ncos u see him as veri enthu,nice,good cadet and he does things to get near to the NCOs in which would get him a good position in the future..when we become NCOs...maybe he is eyeing on the co-di position....and getting close to NCOs does help front of teachers....u see him as veri responsible,good leadership,etc and this might be how he got his position.sucking up n acting nice...but let him tell u ...he is acting...the true front of us he is a bloody hell fucker.....who only cares abt him.....and will do bootlicking to climb his way up the ladder.......u would never noe..he might smiling and talking to u nicely,but backslabbing u behind..this kind of ppl are scary men..
Secondly,he is selfish...and he ..don't noe how to say......wait.......think for a while..vocab not good....ya..does not care abt his squadmates..perhaps he onli has eyes for rings....and leadering position..when he is not fit to....
today,after unit trek..almost the whole squad went together to JEC to discuss abt the unit chalet.....on bus 97...guess wat that person did...he PURPOSELY ask everyone to alight at the bus stop opposite the LIBRARY and he said it SOFTLY.....this is not to wake those ppl who are sleeping up(guo feng n khin yin) that THEY WILL NOT HEAR...N THEY WILL ALIGHT AT JE INTERCHANGE NOT KNOWING THAT WE HAD GONE DOWN THE BUS.....SIMPLY,HE WANTS TO LEAVE THEM ON THE BUS......n MAKE THEM UNABLE TO FIND US AFTER THEY WALK UP.....
Number three,tt person actually run down his squadmates IN FRONT OF HIS JUNIORS.......sucker......that mother fucker.......jibai.......
y?would u run down yr squadmates in front of yr juniors????So is he trying to say tt juniors are make important than his squadmates n his squadmates are worth tt little tt he can rundown in front of his juniors?????doesn't he tt this will cause our squad to lose face or something...can't find the word lah.......JUST TELL ME WAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING WHEN HE SAID THOSE THINGS TO JUNIORS????!!!!!!IS HE HOPING THAT IT WOULD MAKE US LOOK BAD N HE WOULD LOOK GOOD IN FRONT OF HIS JUNIORS=BETTER CHANCE OF BECOMING CO-DI?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Ya..agree with wat winnie said....we need to bear the responsibility....haix..enough abt that..make it look so sad..cheer up!!!hahas...
about the chalet..isn't a bit long ?5 days leh....then need to paid more and everything need to redo...counting the money..etc........haix
P.S.Squad fund owes a lot of ppl money..including $25.50...i like loanshark hor..keeping asking for money..hahas...
then the meeting at 8 very early..can later..wanna sleep...hehe...pig hor...but if cannot nvm...i very nice one....
Thursday, November 23, 2006
heyawinnie is also here to crap, athough i dont have leng xiao hua like liting...hahaha..i laugh to myself cannot ahdamn itjust went to my sis psle result..saddening..arghmy muscles ache like hell..especially the thigh about you?anywayi just receive a sms from yueting about having an additional day at the chalet..which means extended to 2nd dec..the last day will be for us and the ex ncos..any suggestions? tell ms yueting. thankshahakindly please gather at 8am at jurong east mrt station on 29 nov to buy the stuff and food together. pass for the bbq, we are ordering online like the unit bbq.bring extra money in case we are short of money.Please be reminded that the unit chalet is organised by our squad, which is the current sec three squad, so i hope we as the seniors will set an example by being present and also take this chance to bond our squad more.And also, the amount of money that we have now is only $ i hope those that have yet to pay the money please DO so by UNIT TREK. hope you will rmb, becuz i already said that those who didnt do so by last act will need to pay double price, but i didnt make you do so, so please have the conscience, its not easy to be a loanshark. Please put in the effort to hurry the juniors and ncos too, hope you understand, i cant do this all alone, i need the whole sqd effort, unless u wanna pay the $790 ourselves.Last act Staff Yini told us that Rvnp is going to get that prestigious gold Unit next year.I had once flipped the old yearbooks, inside it showcased our glorious past with our seniors in their No.1 uniform for every Npcc page. Next year will be our turn to lead Rvnp. Although we are not as tough or as bonded as all the previous NCOs squad, I hope all of us will try our best to buck up during our Sec three years and bring Rvnp to greater heights, or at least maintain the gold unit. Staff Yini said we will lose the gold unit with our lousy standard, yes i agree our standard are far from theirs.. they are far better than us yet they still need to strive so hard to get it? what about us? If we are really going to contnue with our lousy attidude than i think wad staff yini said is really gonna come true.So come on sqdmates! No matter how much you dislike Np or what, you are already in it for almost two years, so why not enjoy it instead of always attempting to pon? We must prove to the Staff Yini that we will maintain the gold unit or even better. I think she is also waiting for us to prove her that. If you are wondering whether we can, then I will tell you to stop wasting your time wondering and put your thoughts into actions. We can do it. Why we cant? you tell me?if you tell me we are lousy then start revising and practising.if you tell me we are not bonded then you participate more la and stop ponning for no reasons.whatever it takes, we can do it.its only the little initiative that we are willing to take.make the effort, make the differencewhen even our seniors who are not IP students can bring rvnp to gold units why cant we?if we cant then we are not really as great as what we are suppose to be arent we?hope we can see more sparks of enthusiasm once again like the previous act.let us achieve that so near yet so far dream together.We are theExtremist mah....oki talk finish..get gold unit hor rmbthat is our final destination.
believe we can do it and we can
because we rock like no one else
hey....its me again..trying to keep our squad blog going to tell some cold jokes...:
that's all for todae...hope that you have smile todae.....always look on the bright side of life...........looking forward to chalet.........
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
i'm liting...the blog on wake up i post one....
Sorry hor the blog on 23 nov..i write one....i'm liting
Hi..squadmates...quite nan de to see mi write on blog acts are tough but we SURVIVE IT TOGETHER......isn't that great? i'm trying to keep our squad blog alive....hahas......
Hope our squad can bond more...more united leh...not girl girl..boy boy like that...then the girls n boys like north pole n south pole...always "repel"..(not so serious but just something like tt)hahas......
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
hey dudes&dudettes!
longlong time no come le..
so sorry.
our IC very wonderfully fun&cute&crazy right? xP
but sometimes scary. >.<
please don't say you going to work on activity days.please don't say you have project on activity days.please don't say you have tuition on activity days.please don't disappear on activity days!!lol. i know i'm abit crap la..
but those excuses really very lame right..
&& we must learn to love our new ICs. lol.
even though they might not be good enough, but we should give them a chance to shape us into better people (: they do
care&try yea (:
mission accomplished! xD
come another day.