Monday, January 30, 2006 lonnnnnnnnngggggg nobody here i am!
lala..chinese new year..GONG XI FA CAI, WAN SHI RU YI, NIAN NIAN YOU YU..
now at my grandma house..
chinese new year have hongpaos..but dun forget abt sqdmates! 7/2 have repromo..hope this time..we will be able to pass it together as a squad...jiayou ok..we can do it de.. happy..we have yanyang back ..hope this year..our sqd bond wil be better! yay..jiayou..
ok la..i need to go cousin want to use the com..haha..bye my beloved sqdmates
gong xi fa cai
kuai kuai chang DA
DA ji DA li!!!!
i'm crazy
Saturday, January 21, 2006
sQdmates. thankkies. you pe0po make me feel like i am somebody to someone. =)
cant help it but cri when i saw my name on so mani post... =((
mie oso another sentimental pig lar. cannot help it... even when sgt allowed us to turn around burdd... i still cannot control... cry like sb juz died... furthermore when dey told us to turn ard.. n saw weikaii in dat situation... mie really weh xin t0ng for u all... i feel so badd... cannot pump... SORRIES. i will try to return de kkays... sorrie sqdmates.
muz thank yueting n clarine:
although yueting made mie cry again when she asked mie why i cry n she guessed it.. which make mie feel so xin-suann... i still muz thank her. coz she told mie a lame joke!! den i start laughing... =DD
clarine oso. she's owaes dere to comfort mie or other peeps when we cry.
THE WHOLE WORLD TOO. all mie sqdmates. nv fail tuu make mie feel better lar... =)) thanks pe0ple! lurve ya all kkays. =)
-sharmie yong yuan ai ni men!
Friday, January 20, 2006
we did smthing wrng again..fidgetting,nvr bring np tees,slow pumped alot, but nice tu pump lo...hahha..weikai looked kelian lo..cuz he wear ankle socks den get caught..we wanna pump wif him but ncos dun allow..den he do until lyk wan die liddat...still start frm -10 summore...haiz..sharmie lehh..after act at canteen cri..cuz her elbow tu shoulder weh pain den carn do pt n pump wif us..she sae she feel so "guilty" fer not pumping wif us..thx sharmie u r a real sqdmate but dunnid cri de la..we pump nvr mind la..we do wrong mahhs..n summore nt lyk we pump 80 at a tym rite?u can pump at home when ur hand gets well lo..haha..jkjk..dun reallie go pump hor...todae no recreation again.. =( ...haha..nvm we learnt 2 new cheers!!finally..we reallie dono mani cheers so learn 2 new ones veh good 1 cheer is e "father abraham"(dono correct spelling mahhs) de..jhosy n charmaine heard wut lay eggs de..kip laughing lo..haha..n the cheer makes u look so stoopid but fun la..we hafta stick out tongue fer e laz step sho farnie lo...i lyk e otrher cheer better..dono e cheer name but it requires fast movement lo..n its veh luan..the cheer gt something lyk-'I've got joy overflowing, i've got joy overflowing---..................................' i 4gt izzit liddat le la..heck..todae pt quite fun la..oso gt jokes lo..more lyk cold jokes i offence..hope sqdmates hu haben take drill promo can pass!!-yihh
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
today sgt raymond de burfdae lerhs.
HAPPIE BURFDAE~!our sgt rawkx xDyyeapps. sorreys bout e thingy. neverminds. we can always do it nex time. e most don make burfdae. hahas;)just 'tuan jie' bahx'quan dou zai ni men de zhang wo zhi zhong, ni yao zuo de hua, shi zuo de dao de'we rawk.i will never say we sukk=))rvnps2o6 forever!rawkkxx!!!lets rawk on togader;)if you want!xx;.#`pei wen-wo ai ni men!jiayoux bahx-me = sentimentalism' = emotionality = mememe = it's just mei am sorreys ,i can't be any stronger.but maybe i shall try changin my attitude. ;)just let me cry bahx.when it's OVER, i am OKAYi need a hug;(
Monday, January 16, 2006
todae afta parade we help sgt raymond celebrate his was great!! =)howeva alot of us went back in a dull mood..cuz of the 'practice'. lol..peiwen lost her temper becuz of us..nort united..alot din was actually our fault...sawrii peiwen lo..its lyk we couldn't control the number of ppl coming rite??n oso sawrii we fooled arnd..thou some of the guys came, dey weren't serious,its obvious..u gave us a scolding n cried so badly we reallie feel so guilty lo n sharmie saw u cri n cri too n make mie cri too...hha..i went tu my klasroom lo..n saw the BLANK noticeboard n realise again i could onli place hope on npcc n nth else..i sat dere n 'fa dai' n cri until winn came in lo..haha..haiz..hey..peiwen i tink we shuld organise a sqd meeting lyk laz tym lo..rmb laz tym evryting turn out great afta the sqd meeting thou its veh diff tu get dem all tgt??n sawrii todae at the swing i din bother abt u cuz dat tym veh angry dat u vent ur anger on us..realise u din nt later cuz actually u r veh serious abt the 'plan'..jiayoux kkays fer tmr..hope our plan wun backfire n evrybody turns up!! =D-yihh
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Maybe if you didn't mind so much
Maybe if you didn't sting to the touch
Maybe if you let things go
Maybe if you listened when we say so
Maybe if you didn't lose all you kept
Maybe if you didn't put our trust in debt
Maybe if you weren't so fickle
Maybe if you stopped to hear it trickle
All equal we were made
A paper face is all you parade
We'd never live it down
To accept your changes all around
Maybe if you don't put attitudes to heart
Maybe if you don't hold a knife to cut
Maybe if you don't separate lock and key
Maybe if you don't state what you want thee
None is perfect, perfect is none
Where there's a million you want a tonne
Where things come we prefer to not
Mention the name that jumps to thought
Maybe if you didn't state your preferred drill
Maybe if you didn't write words that kill
Maybe if you get used to old and new
This wouldn't have to be written for you
Delete this if you might
Delete this if unpolite
Neither would I feel
If you were dressed in words to kill
~ copyrighted UnderAnHour 2006
~spells and charms
Saturday, January 14, 2006
hiya;)_'>>>>> squadmates.
friday was GREAT. uhm..yeah. i must say, it was lovely..almost PERFECT-!!!
xcept that it was FRIDAY 13, usually supersitious de me as furst never care. then one of you kip sayin sat betta..ltr we unlucky till quarell. well, definitely scared me. ;(#o1` yihh#o2` sharmie#o3` min#o4` adna#o5` winn#o6` sijie#o7` yueting#o8` clarine#o9` yi ling
#1o` ting#11` zi min
don MURDER ME if i left out your name. i don have a perfect memory like everyone. maybe yours just better then mine. ;)thanks guys, without you all, i would'nt have been able to plan it all.
guo feng rawkx. xD-
though he kip complainin impossible, still help me give idea.
thanks okayys, guys.
just hope e others wun thwart our plan. ;)
_'>>>>>sharmie, sharmie, lil sharmie
well, it almost brought tears. sharmie, you so cute can. sometimes say we not united, like want give up on us, then suddenly write such a post. uhm..ya. (: ohh and uhm, yea. i lurve pt too! don blame me if i just dislike recreation ;(>>>>>squadmates
and nex mon must jiayoux okays. just rmbr to stay back in case you forgt. meet in canteen and dont give e xcuse you can't find me kay? cuz you can always ask other squadmates. be more enthu also hors. me lookin forward so you cant let me down. i wun let you off if you make me cry on dat day. crying = disappointment. it can also mean pissed off. just be more enthu larhs ;)
ohh, ya. one more thing. i promise sgt vivien i did be more enthu? ya. i knew i wasnt. you know, kip volunteerin is like so sian. but she said, if you get tired of np, np will also get tired of you. true... anyways, i am really sorreys i looked dxmn pissed and shouted and attituded you guys. really. though everyone say nevermind, hu wun mind? i dono larhs. i just feel that if it was me, i wun. but everyone is not me mahhs. actually that day i was pissed at furst, but glad at last. just rmbrin what we did to sgt raymond. dat's dat. sgt vivien sorta enlightened me. yeah. so we must not let down our ncos okay? seein hao ting reminds me of the past. but, ohh well..nvm. just jiayoux and be more enthu larhs.
dat splattered unity post. dedicated to me arhs? ohh well, i dint not want to care. i just dowan to be like me and only me carin for everythin. in front of eveeyone, i seemed doin nothin. but dealin with all the calls and makin sure everyone go for np act is tough. it realli is. makin sure i know hu's dere and hu's nort is worse and i sorta gave up. i don understand why you are so pissed can. i only wanted to take a two months, np-free. so i can be more nice to homework and my klass. you know, to me 2E-o6' rawkx. and if i lose them, i have nothin left. it's not like np is nort my life, it is. just that my squad still nort dat united and i tried my best bringin them togader and it really dint work. cant i have two months forget everythin and come back to a fresh new start? well, whatever. i know i cant. i said i finish that contact list and dat's all. but things suddenly start comin in and i cant let it go anymores. if i let go, two months later = no fresh start = broken squad. i can understand your class, but my class's totally opposite. i am sorreys. :(
do everyone care? no they don't. my squad works this way.
i am specific.
1o very enthu ppl.
15 myself-furst ppl.
7 not-my-prob ppl.
1o covers up for the rest and the rest just minds their own business.
we did you know. ppl say our squad LOOKS UNITED. ideal squad is farfar away.
what i want is this:
just double of the enthu ppl.
and more sharmies. (:
not too many though. ;)
aiyahs, i know you know what i want and what everybody want.
okayys. sorreys sharmie. dint mean to cover your post. ppl, just go read her post larhs. i hope you cry. bcuz it means you care and you bother. ALOT. i am just too bored(X
everyone go concert);endin off_'MUACKIEXX(-:_'signed-
-her twiin'
i am sorreys i am bias.
Friday, January 13, 2006
sorrie fer the striking colour. want tuu create attention kkays... though guys wont really like PINK!! =DD
dis post ish to tell u ppl(if u do read...) dat we'll haf to be ready at 6.45am on mondae. reminder hors. pass down tuu the others lors...
n hor... most importantly... U REALISE I'VE CHANGED THE SONG!!! reQuested by minee. we haf to stand by tuugether. listen carefully tuu the lyrics lar.
-though we are not the same as even the WHOLE world, dun lie or give in to urself. persist!
-u can be disappointed! but never feel dat we're hopeless!!
-bu neng jue wang=dun give up hope! kkays ppl. JIAYOU. be stubborn tuu urself! =DD
-the pwettiest dream muz be crazy!!!!!!!!
-even a pheonix has tuu go thru flame to be wad it is now!!! wad's more were RVNP.
-we wont forgive ourselves if we give in tuu ourselves. REMEMBER. even if others do... so wad?? URSELF!!!
*i got all those frm the lyrics. the dao li. im sure u all can get it de. to tell u de truth, im so called tear-ing when i do dis post. if u all understand, im sure u all will feel dat pinch too de. ren xin dou shi yong rou zuo de ma... he kuang we're a squadd lorhs. =D
no empty talks... we will improve de rites??!!! =DD
make urself tiink we can do it! we put in as much effort as it seems todae. the practice of the alphabets n all.. the simple drill n all. WE ARE UNITED. not all maybe. but... if some ppl take the lead... the rest should catch up de! dun give up.
dedicated tuu:
[[chiouyihh, winnie, peiwenn, minee, mieself n blahblahs...]]-those who haf thout dat we werent united... n brokedown in anger, sadness, disappointment, tears or wadsoever extreme feelings...
i noe wadd u all felt larhs... i noe... budden.. dun let dis feeling ruin our lurve fer np lorhs. we are capable of good results de!! i lurve PT. n i wann all of us to lurve it... u lurve drill, i wann myself to lurve it too. so influence each other. tackle yanyang first lors. =DD
buyao give upp horhs. chiouyihh... dead hearted one time le. mie ishh two minor times... so wadever... erase off frm todae kkays. sang songs on the swings whole dae mie oso tired ehh. plus the drill... din noe do sho minor things oso can get sho tired de... n the bye haoting& sergeant yini part... LOLs. dey so paiseh. especially haoting. =))
kkays. it was funn planning. =P
hope we'll enjoy life as a squadd lors. wib PT as wells!!! =DD
tired lehs. signing off rite now!! twahahahas~ cum wahahahahas~
pt fweakk,
-sharmie. =)
Thursday, January 12, 2006
SORREYS..sorreys sqdmates fer the last post..din mean it..juz dat reallie angry n stressed at u all..cuz i onli haf hope on rvnp in my life class's hopeless..sure u all noe..nt at all enthu..completely sux..sorriex-yihh
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
disappointed,yyeas? i carn b'lieve i ask dat qns n most of ur ans were NO.I carn b'lieve my sqdmates r sooo heartless..kkays..fine..u all dowan care le rite?i oso lan de care le..dxmn tired toking tu u all lor..wasting saliva...he's(u all noe)impt kayys..yyea u all onli care abt studies..not enthu le rite?dats e prob wif our sqd..dxmn HOPELESS...-yihhSPLATTERED UNITY
Monday, January 09, 2006
heyyS. evrything's OVER le. i dun tiink, so u all musnt tiink too le kkays. =))
muz all cheer up. lyke mie. LOL
dun brood over anithing... jiayou. now wib yanyang back on the team. muz try our best tuu treat him well larhs. he bu cuo le. willing to come back... =)
mie amm happy as ever. so muz all of u al kkays. =))
*wish u all well in ur comin daes. =)
Sunday, January 08, 2006
new year, new start
one week had already past..hope we will jiayou and make this year a meaningful year..
like what sgt raymond said..
rvnp produces outstanding cadets..
the more we must work hard to prove to others we really are..
forget the past..jiayou for the future..
jiayou my beloved sqdmates
Saturday, January 07, 2006
uhm..sorreys i realli dono wad to say yyea.
forgive and forget.
i have never blamed anyone in e furst place so wad's dere to forgive.
i am relli sorreys i cant forget, with SJAB ppl kip askin and everythin. i am very confused. i don't know what have happened and suddenly everyone is askin me all sortas questions. who wun freak out?
okkays, don say lerhs. orwise ltr someone wud scold me again.
but i wun rest till i find out wad happened. )=
uhm..i think i said smth wrong again. SORREYS.
open hse was great, just wanna say WE DINT SLACK. USUALLY WE DID. YTD WE DINT. POSITIVE. even those usually dxmn dxmn de oso came..i ask dem help me dey oso did a good job. know larhs.
ytd i know a lort of squadmates v bu shuang me, but i realli totally is freakked liao can. dat e wrong thing again.
i will SHUDD UP.
though nothin can shudd my lurve for you.
arlow sqdmates..sorreys today fer the breakdown..nvr mind..its over lerhh..juz a word of advice.. FORGIVE N FORGETdun care abt other ppl larhh..juz do wut u think is rite!! =D-yihh
Friday, January 06, 2006
tuudae weh tiring. tok so much burdd sec ones bu ling qing, still treat us like ghost lyE dat... haix. at least we tried our best...
haix. sorrie sQdmates if i did make u feel wadever u all feel dat isnt good larhs. din mean tuu breakdown at the swing de.. but... i really hold back hen jiu le. i dun sae den we'll nv change. dun tok not nice things bout our sQdmates lar. the person might not noe burdd... squadmate ehhs... UG supposed tuu be unitedd de lorhs... muz really show ppl dat we are united... though many ppl sae we more united den wadever or whoever lar... but i really dunn tiink sho lors. we still far frm united... so sorrie if i kindda flared... coz really not in good mood. really sorrie larhs.. oso sorrie if i scared euu when i broke down. sorries to the power of 100.
n da fei ya was dere rites.... so malu!! =x
kkays. nvm. juz make ourselves better people. dunn care bouts wad the other UGs saed to us le. we be who we are n we'll be great! jiayoux.
i was more pissed at the poster accident though... another hundred orries if i really vent on anione... sorries sorries....
Thursday, January 05, 2006
bu ya0 naN guo lerhs. faiLing isNt eVrything. dats wad m0tivates each n evry one oF us tuu g0 on isnt it. dun give up.
faiL le bu yAo jin. zhi yaO shen panG got sQuadmates who really caRe.
faiL le bu yAo jin. zhi yaO y0u really pUt in effoRt.
faiL le bu yAo jin. zhi yaO xiA ci zai jiE zai li.
faiL le bu yAo jin. zhi yaO wE noe wheRe the misTakes liE n go change.
faiL le bu yAo jin!!! zhi yaO w0 men tuAn jiE yi zhi, nTh iS impossiBle!!we put in m0re effort diS year. aim to pass. dis time wib more expErience, jiu not so nervous le. jiAyouX!!
w0 men shi xinG de!!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
today was quite a bad day fer all bahhs..received news abt dere's even sum ppl hu dun even care..haiz..heck care dem la..reallie dun feel lyk toking sorriex sqdmates if i treat u all coldly today..^_^"" seriously tink i will fail cc promo..haiz...nvm..jiayoux bahhs!!-yihh
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
hiya.todae parade okies mahhs..actual day den cam one..cheeriox:-)changed my url..AGAIN..www.iwaitedbutyouneverdidcome.blogspot.comdon nidda link me larhs. MA FAN:-(poster..i wan die liao can. you all so dxmn larhs say i throw away your posters. ask yourselfs wad CRAP poster you do furst can. i totally took the posters that those guys did as a joke can. how i know you serious wan. you wan i go find scan and let you all see larhs. tok so much. never hand in e poster is wei le ni hao can. some dxmn offensive de i throw away liao. liu zhe ye mei yong. no point right.sorreys srgt..todae i talk so fast also dono wad i tokin liao. i v dxmn liao larhs. pissed..everything , wadever. just dint mean to talk so fast.have a meeting shi mei yong one wud come. no offence =pokayy .. agitated ..dream mode. nort fit to blog. wuwahs.c ya. jiayoux for tmrw.
haha. todae's drill bu cu0 mahs. n now, 5 pumping seem like nth to us le lehs. muz jiayou tuu make 10 pumpings feel like nth kkayys. n i go do the contact list u all muz write particulars nicenice. so dat wont haf mistakes. n anibody noes when exactly muz handd in?? hmpps.
kkays. i go polish boots first lehs. jiayou tml kkays. =))
Monday, January 02, 2006
sQuadmates. kaI xuE le wors. muz jiayous kkay.
n n0w dat the big prob's ALMOST over, we muz quaN li yi fU to overcome all our mistakes. (n make yanyang n victor attend np!!) die oso muz drag dem one dae!
if we rock, we muz rock more. if we rule, we muz rule more! bu yao fang qi, or tiink we no hope le. (though i thoght so b4...) but muz change mindset! LOL. like wad ICs owaes sae.
kkays. go piah finish maths le.
crapp nxt time kkays.
<3 ya ppl oWaes.